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Battle Report by Archon

1000 pt Tournament, all missions using Dawn Attack (note, the shop said that
the 1st turn in night was the first turn, not a players turn, so both
players played the 1st turn in darkness)

Ultramarines army:
10 Tactical Marines (1 hvy bolter) w/Vet. Sarge in Rhino
10 Space Marine Scouts w/ Vet. Sarge
5  Devastators (3 missile launchers, 1 plasma cannon)
1  Landspeeder w/Multimelta
5  Bikes (1 with flamer, 1 with meltagun) w/Vet Sarge
1  Attack Bike w/Multimelta (included with Bikes)
1  Chaplain on Bike

Order of the Bloody Rose Army:
1 Canoness w/power weapon & bolter-flamer
1 Missionary (stormbolter, pwr weapon)
1 Callidus Assassin
9 Celestian bodyguard (1 hvy flamer, 1 flamer, std bearer, krak gren.)
6 Sisters (hvy flamer, meltagun, VSS w/pwr weapon)
6 Sisters (hvy flamer, meltagun, VSS w/pwr weapon)
6 Sisters (multimelta, flamer, VSS w/pwr weapon)
5 Seraphim (flame sister, VSS w/plasma pistol, meltabombs)
5 Retributors (4x Hvy flamer, VSS w/pwr weapon, krak gren, Immolator)
Frag grenades all around

For ease of reference, I'll number the quadrents using math rules:
2 | 1
3 | 4

Also of note, since there were 3 tables running games, variety of terrain
was limited.  The table that this battle was fought on was 4' x 4' and
consisted of various bunkers, plus 2 pieces of forest, and 1 rock hill.
There was enough terrain though, just not alot of difficult ground to hide
in.  I had Q4, he had Q2.

*Setup:  Devastators setup ontop of a bunker that bordered Q2 & Q3 12" from
center of the board.  Immolator with Retributors and Missionary setup behind
a bunker in Q4 8" from back of board & 4" from Q3.  Tac Sq in Rhino setup in
Q2 bordering on Q1 8" from his board edge.  Sister Sq with Multi-Melta
deployed in Q4 as close to center of board and 18" away from Devastators.
Chaplain deployed in Q2 bordering Q3 against side of board.  Sister Sq w/Hvy
Flamer setup in Q4 bordering Q1 against side of board.  Bike sq setup with
Chaplain in Q2.  Sister Sq w/Hvy Flamer setup in Q4 bordering Q1 8" from
side of board.  Landspeeder setup in Q2 near Rhino.  Canoness w/bodygaurd
setup in Q4 bordering Q3 4" from back of board.  Seraphim setup in Q4
bordering Q3 near side of Board.  Scouts infilitrated into Q3 18"
horizontally from Canoness behind some woods.  Callidus held in reserve.

*Sisters Turn 1 (night):
Move Immolator slighty to position it to make a run into Q3 and go after the
scouts.  Move Canoness 6" closer to scouts into Q1 (who looked like they
would take the forest).  Move Seraphim 12" into Q1 behind bunkers for cover.
Move Sister sq w/HFlamer 6" into Q1 behind bunkers for cover.  Move Sister
sq with Hflamer up slighty into Q1 to cover the Multimelta against the
Rhino/Landspeeder.  Keep Sister sq w/Multimelta stationary.

Only 1 unit with viable target was the Sister sq w/Multimelta, who fired at
the Devastators killing the sergant.

No assaults.

*Ultramarines Turn 1 (night):
Chaplain joins bike squad.  Bikes move 12" towards the canoness and
Immolator.  Rhino moves into Q1 6" and deploys marines.  Landspeeder moves
into Q1 12".  Scouts move into the forest in Q1.  Devastators remain

As luck would have it, both the scouts and devastators rolled poorly, they
could not see anything.  Bikes roll high enough, and can see the Immolator,
although it is considered hull down being slighty behind a bunker.  Both the
meltagun and multimelta hit the Immolator, destroying the weapon and
immobilizing it.  Tac sq, Rhino, and Landspeeder shoot at Sister sq
w/HFlamer; 1 sister dies.

No Assaults.

*Sisters Turn 2 (day):
Callidus fails reserve roll.  Move the canoness 6" closer to the scouts in
the forest.  Disembark Retributors and Missionary from the Immolator and
move them 6" towards the bikes;  the Hflamers are positioned in such a way
that each one can hit 5 bikes with the template.  Seraphim move deeper into
Q1, still behind a bunker.  Sister sq w/Hflamer moves 6" following the
Seraphim.  Sister sq w/HFlamer moves back slighty, keeping away from the Tac
sq (so they cannot be assaulted).  Sister sq w/Multimelta remains

Sister sq w/MultiMelta fires at Devastators, no casualties.  Retributors
unload on bike squad, 4 hvy flamers vs 6 bikes.  I force him to make 12
saves, 1 biker dies.  Bolter fire from the VSS and Missionary cause no
causalties either.  Canoness sq fires into Scouts, killing 3 scouts, scouts
pass morale check.  No other squads within weapons range.

Retributors assault scouts in forest.  Frag grenades make combat
simultaneous.  5 scouts die, 1 sister dies.  Scouts fail break test and flee
out of terrain, Retributors consolidate in the forest.

*Ultramarines Turn 2 (day):
Bike sq moves towards canoness.  Rhino moves to position itself to fire at
Seraphim.  Tac sqaud moves to round the bunker.  Landspeeder moves closer to
Sister sq w/HFlamer (the one that lost a member).  Scouts autorally and
consolidate.  Devastators remain stationary.

Devastators shoot at canoness.  Plasma cannon wipes out 3 girls, 3 krak
missles wipes out 3 more.  Bikes shoot at canoness, 2 more girls go down,
leaving just the canoness who passes morale check.  Tac sq can't shoot at
anything.  Landspeeder shoots at Sister sq w/Hflamer, another girl lost
there.  Rhino fires at Seraphim, no damage.

Bike sq assaults Retributors in forest.  Bike squad make difficult terrain
test, 2 bikes crash and burn.  Being in cover allows me to attack first.  1
more bike dies.  Bikes attack back, killing 2 girls.  I pass morale check.

*Sisters Turn 3:
Callidus fails reserve roll.  Canoness moves into terrain in preperation for
assault.  Sister sq w/HFlamer (down to 4 girls now) moves behind a bunker.
Seraphim move out towards the Rhino (near the back of the board in Q1).
Sister sq w/Hflamer moves 6" further following the Seraphim, but still
behind a bunker.  Sister sq w/Multimelta remains stationary.

Seraphim fire into Tac Squad, killing 2 marines.  Sister sq w/Multimelta
fire at Devastators, killing 1 of the missile launchers.

Seraphim assault the Rhino, meltabombs destroy it, consolidate behind rhino
for cover.  Canoness joins assault with bikes.  She kills the chaplain with
some great rolls, missionary kills the another bike.  Last bike fails morale
check, flees out of forest, Sisters consolidate in forest.

*Ultramarines Turn 3:
Landspeeder moves to shoot the Seraphim.  Tac sq moves to round the bunker.
Bike consolidates.  Scouts move closer to forest.  Devastators remain

Landspeeder shoots at Seraphim, 1 girl dies.  Tac sq can't shoot.  Scouts
and bike fire into Sisters in forest, no damage.  Devastators fire at Sister
sq w/Multimelta, plasma cannon overheats marine saves; 1 krak missile kills
the girl with the flamer.

Scouts and bike assault the girls in the forest.  I attack first again due
to cover, kill the scouts, but can't wound the bike (needing 6's).  He
unleashes into me with the bike (its a vet sarge); killing the VSS and last
HFlamer girl and putting a wound on the canoness (talk about bad saves).  I
pass morale check.

*Sisters Turn 4:
Callidus finally makes it, setting up right behind the devastator squad on
the bunker.  Sister sq w/HFlamer (4 girls) moves back into Q4 to hold it.
Sister sq w/Multimelta moves into Q3 to hold it.  Sister sq w/Hflamer rounds
the bunker to shoot at Tac sq.  Seraphim move up to shoot at Tac sq and
assault Landspeeder.  Canoness and Missionary in forest are still in

Callidus flames the devastators, killing one of them.  Sister sq w/HFlamer
fires at Tac sq killing 2 of them.  Seraphim fire at Tac sq, no damage.

Seraphim assault Landspeeder, can't hit it with meltabombs.  Sister sq
w/HFlamer assault Tac sq, loose 1 girl, kill 1 marine, drawn combat.
Callidus assaults Devastators, kills the last 2, advances closer to the Tac
sq.  Canoness and Missionary each take a wound while causing none in return,
they pass morale check.

*Ultramarines Turn 4:
Landspeeder repositions itself.  Tac sq is in close combat.  Bike is in
close combat.

Landspeeder shoots at Seraphim, misses.

Tac sq kills 2 girls, sisters kill 1 marine.  I fail morale check and he
runs me down.  Bike kills Missionary, I can't wound it; fail morale test,
Bike runs down canoness.

*Sisters Turn 5:
Seraphim move closer to the Landspeeder.  Sister sq w/HFlamer move fully
into Q4.  Sister sq w/Multimelta stay stationary.  Callidus move closer to
Tac sq.

Seraphim fire into Tac sq, no damage.  Sister sq w/Multimelta fires at bike,
no damage (melta missed).

Seraphim assault Landspeeder, meltabombs cause immobilized and it crashes
off the board.

*Ultramarines Turn 5:
Bike moves closer to Sister sq w/multimelta.  Tac sq moves closer to
Seraphim in Q2.

Bike shoots, kills 1 sister.  Tac sq shoots, kills 1 seraphim.

Tac sq (4 marines + Vet Sarge) assaults Seraphim (2 + 1 VSS).  Amazingly, no
damage is done (I made some nice saves), drawn combat.

*Sisters Turn 6:
Callidus moves closer to Tac sq in Q2.  Sister sq w/HFlamer remains
stationary holding Q4 (4 girls).  Sister sq w/Multimelta remains stationary
in Q3 (4 girls).

Sister sq w/Multimelta shoot and fail to wound the bike.  Callidus flames
Tac sq, no wounds.  Seraphim shoots Tac sq, no damage.

Callidus assaults Tac sq, missing everything (jeez), Tac sq hits back,
save/dodge.  Lose moral high ground, Seraphim fall back 10", Callidus
remains in combat.

*Ultramarines Turn 6:
Bike moves closer to Sister sq w/Multimelta.  Tac sq in close combat.

Bike squad shoots, no damage.

Bike assaults sisters, killing 1, sisters do nothing in retaliation.  Pass
morale check.  Callidus cleans house, killing 3 marines, and taking nothing
back.  Tac sq falls back to board edge.

*Die roll fails, so game ends.  Results:

1 Sister squad (VSS, Multimelta, 1 sister) at 50% in Q3
1 Sister squad (VSS, HFlamer, 2 sisters) at 66% in Q4
1 Seraphim squad (VSS, 2 Seraphim) at 60% in Q2 (they were falling back at
this point, but the rules don't say anything about units in retreat not
being able to hold objectives- although it didn't matter anyways)

1 Bike sqaud (vet sarge) at 17% in Q3
1 Tactical squad (1 Vsarge, 1 marine) at 20% in Q2

I believe that I won mostly on luck of the dice, and partly because I went
out with the plan on taking quarters and sticking to it.

Comments and *constructive* critism always welcome.
