Links to sites maintained by
dedicated Sisters of Battle players in no particular order:
Banjo's Sisters of
Battle Page- Banjo's site. All Sisters, all the time. Anything Sisters, it'll be
there... eventually... Well worth taking a look at this site. He is even running an
online campaign!
Gary's Freakin' Website- Gary
O's Sisters of Battle and conversion projects. Some of his work is here in the Vault
including his excellent Bike and Buggy conversions.
The Colossal 40K Resource Site- Maintained
by Matthew Sprange, the Sisters of Battle Mailing List Moderator. There is a great
deal of Sisters of Battle related information here as well as the other races of WH40K.
Games Workshop- Makers of
Warhammer 40K and the Sisters of Battle.
Damo's Lair-
A new site by Damo, a member of the Sisters of Battle Mailing List. Check it
out... it looks promising.
Convent of San Leor-
A very nice site dedicated to the Daughters of the
Merciful Emperor. Well worth visiting!
Sororitas- A site devoted to the Sisters of Battle by
Gary Williams.
If you have a Sisters of Battle site that you feel should be on this page,
email me!