The Sisters of Battles Fiction
Fluff of the
Eden Campaign by John Harrington
Adepta Sororitas
Rebels- Amazons by Chris Cook
The Fate of
Praexedes by John Harrington
Magnus Gravis
by Atis K.
The Battle for
Ferrus Prime by Henrik Balslev Jorgensen
Snow White and
the Seven Heavy Bolters by Phil Tortorici
Origin of
the Order of Our Martyred Lady by Joey Konyha
Fluff for the
Order of the Velvet Hammer by David Jackson
A Tear for a
Novice by Phil Tortorici
(Part 1) by The Confessor
Instrument of
Faith (Part 2) by The Confessor
Order of the Martyred Heart by Christopher Glass
Sister Riota by Damo
The Fourth Option by Phil Tortorici
(Part 3) by The Confessor (Laurence Sinclair)
Vineyard by Phil Tortorici
Deceit, Temptation & War (Part 4) by The Confessor (Laurence Sinclair)
Rose by Chris Cook
Higher Plan in Mind by Skye Knighton