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Magnus Gravis by Atis K.

Ref: Inq/66541941955/AK
Date: 0612998/M41
Intercepted Transmission
+ + + + + + + + + + + +

To: Adeptus Ministorum – Expositus Solus: Cardinal Phantine
From: Ordained Missionary Uriel Bane
Date: 4756998/M2
Priority: Magnus Gravis
Transmitted:  Riga Prime 
Transmitter:  Astropath Prime Josephus
Received:   Astropath-terminus Galiel
Re: Heresy on Riga Prime
Ref: Primer Imperialis (Ref: Adeptus Ministorum 0451.001.01//Sealed Data
9904.ref.745698a//Scriptus Codex: Adeptum 001b.657)Segmentum 263

Thought: The loyal slave learns to love the lash.

My dearest Cardinal,

I write this in great haste, for I do not know to what extent I am in
danger, nor to what degree this transmission may be compromised.  I care
not so much for my own safety.  My life is but the breath of the Emperor.
And, in as much, I fear that I may not long be able to serve in the glory
of his name…

As you well know, I was dispatched to Riga Prime along with Sisters Alexia
and Calista of the Orders Dialogus, in an effort to spread the Emperor's
Glory to the unenlightened of that feudal world.  Upon arrival, Commander
Constantine graciously met us.  He showed us the grounds of the
Administratum, and presented us with translated copies of the Primer
Imperialis.  (This, as your holiness must well know, is the core of what
all Citizens of the Imperium must learn:  The Word and the Light of the
Golden Throne; the Structure and Disposition of the Imperium of Man; the
structure of the Fleet, the Forces Militant, and the general Rules of
Engagement.) These volumes were the vanguard of enlightenment for Riga
Prime, as they had been on many worlds before.  They were to be distributed
to the inhabitants of Riga Prime, in a language that was comprehensible to
them.  After that, it was the job of missionaries such as myself to further
teach the Glory of the Emperor of Man. 

After further pleasantries, Commander Constantine bade us farewell and to
make ourselves comfortable.  The Sisters Alexia and Calista and I began to
pore over the translation of the Primer.  It was our hope to familiarize
ourselves with the nuances of this particular translation.  We studied long
into the evening, and finally bade one another good night. 

I was awoken that night to the sound of knocking on my door.  I opened to
be greeted by the concerned visages of the Sisters Dialogus.  Sister
Calista had been up late, studying the text, as she was unable to sleep.
In her readings, she happened to chance upon a passage in which she found
what appeared to be a mistake.  She brought it to the attention of Sister
Alexia, who checked her text for the same abnormality. And so they found
the same grievous error in both books.  Not only were the translated
phrases out of place in both volumes, they were dangerously out of context
as well! The Sisters had thought it important enough to seek me out in my
chambers and bring this matter to my attention. 

Your Grace, I must admit that I was unsure what to think when I first saw
those words.  Perhaps, I thought, it had been a meant as a joke by some
lowly scribe?  Perhaps there had been a horrible mistake in translation?
Yet upon reflection, there seemed to be far too many elements in place for
it to be merely an oversight.  In fact, it seemed that it was done

In the morning, the three of us approached Commander Constantine about the
matter.  He did not understand our concern, and merely laughed it off as a
scribe's mistake.  When I mentioned that I may have to contact the
Ministorum, he grew somber and was quick to dismiss the need for such
action.  He excused himself, stating that the Administratum was at our
disposal, but that he had other matters to attend to.

Incensed at this aberration, of this impurity in the Emperor's Great Word,
the Sisters Dialogus and I sought the source of this outrage in the vast
halls of the Imperial Scriptorium, where scribes translated the Primer into
the vulgar argot of Riga Prime.  Once there, we sought audience with the
Emendatori, specifically Emendatrices Priestly and Fox & Emendator
Thornton.  We were shocked and very disturbed to learn that these
Emendatori, who had been entrusted with the oversight of the project, were
not to be found.  A Senior Scribe stated that they had "vanished under
mysterious circumstances."  Indeed.  Upon further inquiry, we discovered
that all of the scribes working under the Emendatori were either absent or
suddenly "transferred" off-world.  Left with nothing but our vexation for
solace, we examined what copies of the volumes were still at the
Scriptorium.  They all contained the same heretical script, and showed
signs of corruption and taint.  Each had a distinctive malodorous quality.
Many of the newly scribed volumes, in fact, fell apart at the bindings from
our slightest inspection.  Blasphemy!!!!!

Your Holiness, I am unsure as to the security of this transmission.  To all
others who might read this missive and scoff, you are already damned!
Damned by your own ignorant negligence!!!!  Merely look at page 263 of the
Primer!  The page heading is the sole of its kind in all of the immensity
of the tome...and yet, you were oblivious to it until now.   Does it not
send chills through your soul to know that the same book you read in your
own blind naiveté is now the tool which sows the seed of corruption in
untold myriads of readers.

Your Grace, forgive me.  I am aware of the unstable nature of these
transmissions.  I am wary that this one may not reach you, due to the
increased warp activity around Riga Prime.  It is for those reasons that I
wish to warn anyone who may happen upon this missive of the danger.  Some
may claim that the words may be merely an edict espousing the virtues of
extreme ascetism and discipline...for the purpose of life is, after all, to
suffer. That we may be nearer the Divinity of the Emperor in his own
suffering. I fear, though, that it is something far more sinsister.  The
Sisters Dialogus have been missing for some four days now.  I fear there is
treachery afoot, and that it has sought us out, creeping malignantly nearer
by the moment.  I beg your hasty assistance, before the hour of damnation
falls upon Riga Prime.

Your Humble Servant,

Uriel Bane

+ + + + + + + + + + + +
End Transmission

Uriel smiled to himself as he surveyed the ruined interior of the
Scriptorium.  Hundreds of books lay tumbled across the floor.  Scores upon
scores of volumes lay in cascades at the bases of the great shelves, an
avalanche of vellum and ink.  He walked past the bodies of many scribes,
some hunched over the now blood soaked tomes that they had slaved a
lifetime upon.  "To guard in death what they guarded in life..." Uriel
smirked to himself.  Bodies smoldered in flames fueled by piles of burning
liberum.  Dank and acrid smoke swirled up and around the great stone
pillars that held the vaulted ceiling aloft.  Rose to meet what few books,
if any, still remained atop the massive, ceiling high stone shelves in
which they had been stored.  He would have a hard time explaining this
carnage to Commander Constantine.  But, perhaps with the Cardinal's help,
he wouldn't have to. 
He stepped out of the flame-illuminated Scriptorium into the cool darkness
of the Emendatorium, the inner chambers of the building.  Great, musty,
leather-bound volumes rested in the dank gloom of the stone chamber. It was
here that Scriptorium projects had been overseen and carefully guided.  It
was here that the Emendatori had seen fit to allow the taint to be spread.

It was time to go minister to Sister Alexia's wounds.  She had, after all,
ministered to his.  Allowing his vision to adjust to the dimness, he made
his way past great tables covered with what had been projects for the
Emendatori.  Uriel paused to glance at one of the ancient tomes which lay
open on a long, iron-bound oak slab.  It was a copy of the Ecclesiastical
Proscriptions he had studied in his childhood. All of the youths at the
monastery had committed to memory the Golden Words.  He could barely make
out the arcane High Gothic script in the reflected glow of the flames that
danced outside the chamber:

"Thou shalt Obey thy Master in all Matters"

Uriel smiled and quietly mouthed the words aloud.

He turned in the direction of the shuddering, gurgling breath.  Seeing
Sister Alexia's face, he strode over to the far wall.  He gazed for a
moment on her quiet countenance.  How beautiful she was, he thought to
himself.  Leaning over, he paused a moment before gently licking her lips.
Colder, now that her face had been flayed from her skull, but exquisite
nonetheless.  He gently ministered to the deep cuts in her lips, his tongue
cleaning what blood was still congealing.  If only she hadn't struggled, he
thought. Alexia's face regarded him with an empty stare of stone as the
missionary traced his fingers along its outline, noticing how the iron
nails marred the porcelain skin; noticing where the pierced stone wall
still dripped red.  Too bad she'd refused his offer, Uriel thought.  She
would have enjoyed the experience far more. Running his fingers along the
fresh gash which crossed his face, he savored the sensation as they passed
over his now defunct eye.  At least he had a permanent reminder of her…
The bloody, crumpled, faceless mass at the missionary's feet that had been
Sister Alexia gave one last shudder and expired.  Uriel sighed. Pity, he
thought to himself.  But there was still work to be done.  Dropping his
robes to the stone floor, he stood naked, inspecting his wounds.  He picked
at the long scabs that had formed across his chest, arms and back,
revealing the fresh, milky-pink flesh beneath.

Uriel felt the room ripple.  It was time…

"The bait is cast.  The trap is set," Uriel said.  "They will soon be
here, my Master.  Have I done well?"

In the corner of the chamber, the darkness stirred.  It coalesced, hissed,
and purred.  "Yessssss, my pet..." 

The missionary heard the lash cut the air as the first stroke bit hard
into his flesh.

"...Veeerrrrrry well..."

Uriel's back began to weep crimson tears of obeisance.  The lash cut
again, harder.  And again...

"...Veeerrry well indeed."

Posted 1/17/99