Sisters of Battle & Rhino painted by Kevin Braat
"This Rhino is the first of the three I plan to paint. This
one was simply put
together and painted with the flaming paint job. The flues de lys were also
painted on. This was kind of a joke with my opponent, because every vehicle I
every field usually gets destroyed in turn one (in 2nd edition rules). We
figured that the flames would be there by the sisters choice since the
opponent would put them there anyway. I have gotten some comments that it
looks to "Legion of the Damnedish," but the flames work great for the sisters
in my opinion."

"My seraphim have been mildly converted. I greatly disliked
the posts of metal
that came off of their feet. Hiding them with bushes didn't look to good
either. Inspiration came from the other force I am working on: Tyranids. The
gargoyles and their flight bases work so much better. Just drill a hole in
the bottom of the robes after cutting and filing off the supports. Once the
feet are good, make sure the flight base fits. You may have to use putty to
cover any spots that go through the robes because there is not a huge amount
of metal there. You now have a better supporting base. The only downfall is
that flight bases are a hair larger than standard bases, making it easier to
be caught in templates."
