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Sisters Biker & Seraphim Report by Kenneth Pant

This is a report from my first battle with my Seraphim Bike squad. 1,500 points of Sisters against 1,100 points of Imperial Guard. Sisters won with 1,465 vp's (including three bunkers) the Imperial Guard had 1,410 vp's. Hope you like it.


"Even as the last missile's were streaking towards the enemy entrenchment's from the "Righteous Fury" in orbit above them. Canoness Sarahce's Sororitas roared across the barren plain, their Rhino's and Immolators followed by the bounding Seraphim and Bikers that kept pace. As the last clouds of dust and debris broke they had reached the razor wire and tank obstructions the Heretic guardsmen had erected.

From her bike, Sister Superior Ssallandra gauged the timing. Near to perfect, the Emperor was with them. As the bunkers and trenches loomed from the ridge before her. She knew that He would have to be for their attack to succeed. The obstructions channeled her squads movement off to the left, away from the bunker on her right. That was her target, the loss time was precious. But she bid her squad to shelter themselves behind the racing Rhino and Immolator in front. The Heretics had returned to their guns. She called out at the top of her lungs, willing her squad and the Emperor himself to hear her prayer. "From the foul weapons of those who have turned from You, Lord Emperor deliver Us!"

The two vehicles ahead were channeled into a well placed crossfire. The bunker on the right poured auto cannon and heavy bolter rounds into the Rhino she rode behind. A track broke loose and it crashed against the tank obstructions. The fire of a multi-laser tore into its front armor, and it exploded. With well trained movements her squad cut to its left to avoid it. More laser shots ripped into the Immolator, as it exploded it cut to the left and rolled. For a moment her squad was covered by it's wreckage from the bunker on the left.

Thankful to see Sororitas climbing from both of the wrecked vehicles, Ssallandra pointed her sword toward the bunker on the right. "For the Emperor!" An explosion erupted from the debris of the capsized Immolator, with tremendous force the Sororitas climbing from it were disintegrated. Ssallandra was nearly thrown from her bike, but with Emperor given skills she held on, peaking over her shoulder to check to see if her squad had made it as well. Somewhere in the blossoming smoke one of them had been hit. Now there were only four.

She gunned her bikes engine and shot forward, a Chimera had moved forward to interpose between her and the bunker. The squad shot round it to the right, and her melta gunners pumped shots into it from close range. They were rewarded with a torrent of fire as it's ammunition exploded, destroying it.

No sooner had she cleared the firestorm, then she was met with a hail of fire from the bunker now looming directly ahead. Staring down the barrels of the weapons inside. Ssallandra closed her eyes and prayed for the Emperor to take her. Miraculously, now was not her time. The shots rang off of her bike and armor, others bore on past. One of her melta gunners, Kattyana, had her fuel tank explode when it was pierced by an autocannon round. Mara steered her bike too close to the wrecked Chimera, and was engulfed by it's flames. Now there were only two.

Knowing that the guardsmen were tracking them, she cut left across the front of the bunker. Drawing their fire, hoping that the distraction would let Tamara get close enough to unleash the full potential of her weapon. The shots rang off her bike and strafed the ground about her. It was only a matter of moments and she knew it, Ssallandra prayed to the Emperor, now was her time...

Tamara hefted the weight of her melta gun, bending to lift a power sword from where it had fallen near a burning Chimera. Smoke poured from it and from seven Sororitas Rhino's and Immolator's. A fresh host of Valorous Heart Sororitas wound their column of vehicles over the debris and threw the entrenchment's. As they saw her, and the few of Canoness Sarahce's host that survived. They looked above them, at the broken and burning bunkers looming over the break in the line. At the many Heretic corpses, burned in their trenches, and with prayer vowed to act as noble and selfless. To impart upon the Heretic, the Emperor's Wrath."

Ken Pant