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Battle Report by John Swann

I played against a Dark Angels army from a friend of mine who's taking them 
to the Baltimore GT. This was kind of a warm-up and list shake down game. 
Anyway, he had lots of marines!

He had two Dreads, that annoying tank with the honkin' HUGE gun on the front 
(I'll call it a Vindicator), three Land Speeders, two 10-strong "basic" 
tacticals with H. Bolter and plasma gun, three 5-strong tacticals with 
lascannon and plasma guns, a Devistator squad with 4 Heavy bolters, a 
whirlwind, and a commander. I may be forgetting something, but that's the 
bulk of it.

My Sisters army was:
Canoness with 9 Sisters (Sisters have 1 Heavy Flamer and 1 Meltagun/Rhino 
with smoke and H/K missile);
"Tactical" squad one (Sister Superior/9 Sisters/1 Heavy Flamer/1 Melta/Rhino 
with smoke and H/K missile);
"Tactical" squad two (same as 1);
Seraphim squad (Sister Superior/9 Seraphim/1 flamer);
Retributor Squad one (Sister Superior/9 Sisters/4 Heavy Flamers/Rhino with 
smoke and H/K missile);
Retributor Squad two (6 Sisters/4 Heavy Bolters/Immolator with smoke);
Immolator with smoke.

All of the Sister Superiors had plasma pistols, power swords, and

We played Dawn Raid as that's the "basic" GT scenario (or at least it was 
last time). He set up his units first and got the first move. We set up 
the terrain just like at the GT and so there was a decent amount of terrain 
(8 pieces). The middle was fairly crowded with terrain, but the flanks were 
more open.

I placed one Tactical squad and the Heavy Bolters on my left flank with a 
nice open field of fire. In the middle, I placed both Immolators, once 
Tactial squad, and behind them the Flamer squad and Seraphim. My Canoness 
with her squad was in reserve.

He deployed fairly similarly. His Devistators were opposed to mine along 
with a couple of the little tactial squads. In the middle he massed both 
10-strong squads as well as the Vindicator and one of the dreads. On the 
othe flank (my right) he placed the other dread and one of the little 
tacticals. His Whirlwind and Speeders were held back behind a hill as 

His first turn fire was *totally* ineffective. Everything that could see 
far enough to shoot at me missed! But my turn was just about as bad. Both 
Immolators got within shooting range of the two 10-strong units, but only 
one took any damage and fell back. I unloaded my tactical squad in the 
middle. On the left flank, my tactial squad got behind a hill and 
dismounted. The flamer Sisters popped smoke and hid in their rhino. I cut 
loose with a couple of H/K missiles, but all missed. All in all, my 
shooting was a waste as well. I took a couple of desperation shots with the 
dismounted tacticals at the nearby Dread as the marines in front of it had 
fled due to the flames of the Immolator. Nothing came of it, of course. 
One thing I noticed is that Dreads (and Wraithlords) are going to be a
serious problem for my Sisters.

In his turn, he advanced most of his forces. The speeders swept out of 
their hiding place and maneuvered into position to take pot shots and 
contest quadrants at the end. In his shooting phase, he managed to 
immobilize one of my Immolators and destroy the other. The Rhino in the 
middle of the table got slagged as well. But again, other than that, his 
shooting was pretty poor. I do like Power Armour!!! And then his Dread 
charged in and I started to lose sisters left and right.

In my turn, I moved my Seraphim up to shoot and charge one of the 10-strong 
marine units while my flamer squad advanced, dismounted, and got ready to do 
the same to the other. My Retributors traded fire with their opposite 
number on the left flank to no avail. The Seraphim did little in the 
shooting phase and the ensuing charge was a bust as well as they killed a 
whopping single marine. My Flamers did a *bit* better as the four heavy 
flamers had a lot of targets. I killed a couple of marines, but that was 
about it. I then charged them into his commander, but failed to get a kill.

Both of the combats in the middle (the Seraphim and Flamers) would last the 
rest of the game with neither side breaking or even falling back. His Dread 
killed some more Sisters, but they were immune to breaking due to sacred 
rites and so they held him up.

His turn 3. His unengaged dread wandered towards my immobilized Immolator 
(that dread had the TL-Lascannon) and failed to penetrate the front armour. 
In fact, his shooting was pretty piss poor. One of his Speeders did manage 
to glance my Canoness' Rhino and the Rhino couldn't shoot next turn. He 
wasted a lot of fire on that Immolator to no effect. He moved the 
Vindicator up to try and get at the two squads of sisters on my left flank. 
And that was about it for shooting. All in all, he did little. The 
remnants of the 10-strong marine unit that my Flamer shot up charged in to 
help his commander out. I actually managed to kill the commander in HtH (it 
was the wimpiest Commander you can buy mind you).

My third turn started pretty uneventful. His moving the Vindicator up 
basically pinned my Canoness back behind cover. If I had tried to advance 
her up to help out the middle, she would have been stuck right in it's 
sights. So I moved the Rhino up a bit and the Canoness and her retinue 
jumped out to shoot up a Speeder that had gotten too close (i.e. in my 
deployment zone). My shooting was pretty limited. The Retributors wasted 
more H bolter shells on DA power armour. And The canoness and her squad 
totally missed the Speeder. The one bright spot was that, by moving up the 
Vindicator, he'd given me a flank shot at it with my immobilized Immolator. 
And boy did that pay off!!! S6 vice side armour of AV11 and I rolled a "6"! 
After that, the "6" for damage was a foregone inevitability. Boom!!! In
the HtH phase, as I'd mentioned, the two melee's in the middle were boring 
affairs where little happened. I was ticked at my Canoness' poor showing in 
shooting, so I charged the Speeder with her Powerfist (needing "6"'s to hit) 
and managed to get a hit, glance, and "4" for damage!!!) Woo Hoo!!! The 
Canoness managed to pull the thing out of the air!!! But disaster struck 
when his Dreadnought killed the last two Sisters it had been in contact with 
and could consolidate closer to my Canoness.

His turn four. Basically, little to do. Everyone of his that could move 
out to contest a quadrant did. The dread that had just broken through my 
lines moved closer to my Canoness while the other one charged into the 
battle between his tactical and my flamer squad.

In his shooting phase he didn't do that much, but his Dread did manage to 
skrag my Canoness' Rhino (now empty) with it's multi-melta. That sucked as 
the Rhino still had it's H/K missile and I was hoping to use it to go 
skimmer hunting. The Dread then charged my Canoness' unit. In HtH, it 
killed a couple of sisters, but they too were immune to breaking and so held 
their ground while the Canoness consolidated into contact with her 
powerfist. In the middle, again, little happened. The Seraphim and his 
tacticals continued to battle to a stalemate. The other Dread charged in an 
only managed a single kill on my Flamers. That unit was a 50% now and 
dangerously close to falling below the magic number needed to claim a 

In my turn, I didn't have a lot of moving to do. Belatedly, I moved the 
tactical squad on my left flank up, but it was *way* too late. Other than 
that, I had no movement to make. In the shooting phase I wasted more H 
bolter Shells to no avail, and that was about it. In HtH, the Seraphim 
continued to do nothing, but neither did the marines. In the other "middle" 
battle the dread missed with both it's swings, so it was up to the 4 
tactical marines to try and kill one Sister to "break" the unit. The rolled 
4 hits and 4 wounds... And I made 4 saves. Woo Hoo there's still hope! 
And then to his Dread against my Canoness. He took his two attacks, hit 
once, and failed to wound. I took my 3. Hit twice and actually managed a
glance. I immobilized the Dread! And so it ended. We counted up quadrants 
and he came out ahead 1-0. All the others were contested. But I realized 
later, that I had only put 9 of the 10 seraphim on the table! Since there 
were 4 left at the end, we thought they were under 50%, but there should 
have been 5 of them on the table and they were in his deployment zone (the 
one he had taken) so we should have tied! That and since I killed his 
commander, I would have gotten an extra VP in the tourney.

Not too bad really, considering that's the first time I've played Sisters 
and Shane didn't make many mistakes and his army is pretty solid. I did 
decide that I *really* need more AT firepower. I simply have to have some 
way to kill Dreads. There's nothing that I can do once they're in HtH. So 
I'm jiggering my army to get some Multi-meltas in there. My Sisters Superior 
were totally useless. S3 just isn't enough even if you have a power sword. I want to 
keep them for the morale and sacred rites bonuses, but I'm going to drop the 
power swords (that's partially how I'm paying for the multimeltas). Also, 
the H/K missiles were a bust. At 15 pts per, they're just too expensive as 
they are only S8 and only hit on a 4+. So there's more points for 

But all in all, I'm pretty happy with how they did. Not great, but not bad. 
I made some serious errors on my part. I totally wasted one entire 
tactical squad (they just hid behind a hill all game and did nothing). I 
made a couple of miss-steps with all the Rhinos (it sucks that your own 
vehicles block your LoS) and I could have positioned both units (the first 
tactical squad and my Canoness') to avoid charges by that damned dread if 
I'd thought of it.

Hope that was interesting.

