I can not take credit for the name.  This site was named by Aaron Cains.






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Sisters painted by Todd Falk

Painting yellow *is* difficult at times. Planning is very important. The most treacherous part is the primer coat - anything with gray in it makes the paint turn green, as do light coats of white. Must be smooth and consistent primer and base coats. Another thing I learned with painting yellow - better to shade than to try and highlight. After each light wash of a darker shade (don't tint with brown - more green shifting) reapply the base color back to where you are going to want highlights. Lightening yellow is easy, but I prefer to just jump to a premix. Oh....I used Sunburst Yellow for basecoats, darken the base with Golden Yellow, very thin washes of Blazing Orange in cracks and folds. (or Sunburst Yellow with a drop of red ink - about 10 to 1)